1. Introduction
This plugin exposes the Griffon Environment, application metadata and various managers through JMX beans. The application’s name is used as a qualifier on the beans in order to avoid any conflicts with more than one application running within the same JVM process.
The following list summarizes the types and their MBean names
- griffon.core.env.GriffonEnvironment
- griffon.core.env.Metadata
- griffon.core.addon.AddonManager
- griffon.core.artifact.ArtifactManager
- griffon.core.mvc.MVCGroupManager
- griffon.core.view.WindowManager
- griffon.core.controller.ActionManager
- griffon.core.threading.UIThreadManager
Here’s how these beans look when a example application is inspected using JConsole

Griffon version: 2.12.0
2. Configuration
2.1. Gradle
You have two options for configuring this plugin: automatic and manual.
2.1.1. Automatic
As long as the project has the org.codehaus.griffon.griffon
plugin applied to it you
may include the following snippet in build.gradle
dependencies {
griffon 'org.codehaus.griffon.plugins:griffon-monitor-plugin:2.1.0'
The griffon
plugin will take care of the rest given its configuration.
2.2. Maven
First configure the griffon-monitor-plugin
BOM in your POM file, by placing the following
snippet before the <build>
Next configure dependencies as required by your particular setup
3. Modules
The following sections display all bindings per module. Use this information to successfully override a binding on your own modules or to troubleshoot a module binding if the wrong type has been applied by the Griffon runtime.